Author - Nino Apakidze
Illustrations - George Chaushba
An Odyssey to Metaverse
Storyliving instead of Storytelling

After Facebook famously went to Meta, the term Metaverse has collectively invaded our consciousness. Since then, media experts often question what are the consequences for the whole mass communication.

An empathy booster? The whole new level of interaction? Propaganda tools stronger than ever? Privacy? Ethics? What do we do with children? Do people literally want to live in the news, rather than to observe from a safe distance? Why is it worth exploring now?

We are about to carefully examine the architecture of Metaverse from different perspectives.

Meet Botilda
Hello, I am Botilda, a digital clone. I can help you to navigate through Metaverse and it does not stop there.
Also, I might not have all the answers, but day by day I learn more :)
And yes, I do speak English. Actually, bilingual bots are hard to find.

A Chat Story

Georgian software developer, Temur Chichua guides us into the world of Metaverse.
"If Metaverse and its opportunities swallow us, then we can see the answer to everything in the Matrix. We have escaped the reality on such a level, that we become dependent on machines that have made us dependent on it to get energy from us."

Temur Chichua, Software Developer

"This (Meta) is not a new world suddenly created by a techno shaman. The world has been coming here for decades.There is never a technology introduced that people didn't ask for. These fears and technological unpreparedness simply slow down the process. Some technologies emerge, people get used to them, then they demand more.

The self-control and responsibility are the keys. Because some people are weak, others should not be restricted from the freedom to use various human achievements, like social networking. So if something like this scares us, one solution is to work on the human part rather than the technological part of it."

New Media New Problems

Gabor Polyak, Media Expert

"I'm absolutely sure that entertainment will be again in the focus of media consumption. And we will take our funding problem into those new worlds. So I'm not really optimistic, however, I'm absolutely sure that without journalism, the quality of the public debates would be much lower. And there is no democracy without professional journalism."

Stuck in the Metaverse?
Avatars are sometimes referred to as alter egos. You are creating your digital clone, as a perception of your better self. But what happens if we fully immerse ourselves in a virtual reality?
Avatars as Alter Egos 
Sándor SAJÓ - a philosopher and the head of the Doctoral Programme in Aesthetics at Eötvös University
"Without being someone, you can not pretend to be someone else."
"Everybody has an alter ego, so in existential terms there is nothing perfectly new. But the more avatars you keep creating, your ego will be modified to some extent. But it will be still you. To have a perception you need to have a body, to exist somewhere in time and space, as opposed to a fantasy world. Empathy is a concept that takes reality for granted. But if people become so addicted that they forget at what point they entered to a fantasy world, and they lose the distinction between meta and real words, that's like losing yourself. Then you are stuck in a Metaverse."
Sandor Sajo, Philosopher
Take a MetaQuiz
What do you know about the Metaverse

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What is the Metaverse, after all?
Wow. You got it. Did the project helped through it?
Well, almost there. Unlike our real world, there is no one big Metaverse where everything is gathered. Nowadays, Metaverses are divided into two parts, the ones owned by big corporations, and there are also open-source, decentralized projects created by individuals on the blockchains. 
Not really, calling Metaverse the place for gamers only, is one of the main misconception around the topic. 
Don't worry, we all have been there. Metaverse is the concept of the virtual world, which is a simulation of our world, where people can become a copy of their real self, have a digital avatar, own property, territories, and NFTs, and to interact with everything that co-exists. 
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Who invented the term Metaverse?
Oh, those misconceptions. 
The tech giants saw Meta coming, and they put a Metaverse on, and they go like, “I am the Meta”.

Correct. Neal Stephenson first coined the term Metaverse in his science fiction work, Snow Crash.
Well, it is not. Neal Stephenson first coined the term Metaverse in his science fiction work, Snow Crash.
Might have been. But it was Neal Stephenson, in his science fiction book. 
Little too early, but he was quite a figure, wasn't he?
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How may Metaverses do exist?
That sounds so correct.
You might saw this number online. Technically, we can't really measure the exact number. 
Please, get over with Facebook already :D
What about open-source, decentralized projects that do not belong to organizations, and are created by individuals on the blockchains?
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How can we enter the Metaverse?
Well, that's not true. Did you heard about Snoop Dogg conducting live there? Balenciaga selling its expensive t-shirts? 
To fully experience Metaverse, that's the most optimal choice, but definitely not the one. 
Sure about that? Some programs can be accessed via your personal computer/smartphone. 
Thank you. 
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What technical obstacles does the Metaverse face? 
Some virtual applications require VR headsets for the full experience. But not all. Oculus quest 2 costs around 399$, a way less than we pay for our smartphones. 
It has been around for quite some time, actually. 
That sounds correct. 
Is pandemic really over?  The practical use of Metaverse is to make it comfortable for people to coexist beyond the physical environment, so. 

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Whats the difference between VR and AR technologies? 
Well you should :D There are elements of augmented reality in computer games, (virtual reality no longer needs augmented reality,) AR adds elements of games to the real world.
Thats pretty much what it is. 
Yeah, but what's the difference?
Talking about VR, it creates an immersive virtual environment, while AR augments a real-world scene. VR only enhances a fictional reality. 
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Can VR technology become a powerful machine of empathy? (VR technology is often perceived as an empathy booster machine. However, there is also criticism that it is more emotional than cognitive empathy.)

That's a good sum up. 
I am afraid no. 
Because it is so variable and falsifiable, someone can reprogram how reality is filtered to you in the virtual world in a second, and conversely, you will be much more disconnected and blurred from the reality of what happened, because you will have an architect who constructs it for you.
I agree. Especially In the virtual world, when you watch reality broadcasting, it is already a simulation of reality. But I asked you about an empathy. 

When you watch a movie, you always realize that it is not a reality. But you might get affected pretty much with it. 
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What does an AVATAR in metaverse refers to?
See, it is not that hard. 
Digital assistant? Sounds interesting. However, an avatar in Metaverse refers to a user's identity to an entire universe. 
Blockchain is a system in which a record of transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are maintained across several computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network. Sounds complicated, right?
Not only. hile some avatars are restricted to only a single platform, a Metaverse avatar will be able to cross through different experiences in the entire Metaverse. 
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The metaverse is one big gaming world. Do you agree?
Nope, the metaverse is not gaming. Gaming is an activity you can do within the metaverse along with many others. 
Saying the Metaverse is virtual reality (VR) is like saying that the internet is your phone.
One of the best definitions, I have heard so far :p
As with any misconception, there’s often an element of truth. Gaming is an on-ramp that drives mass adoption of new technology. 
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Not a tech guy, definitely 

No worries, buddy. You still have time, till the Metaverse becomes the product of mass consumption. Few years, they say. 

You seem little confused 

But you wanna know more in case it really is a Next Big Thing? Then it's aright place to start exploring the topic. 

You are a wonderer

Thats a perfect thing to be. You not only wonder, but you search for the answers, as well. Might be useful, on the way of rapid digitalisation. 

Oh, look who we have here

You seem pretty much an expert yourself. How is it, in a Metaworld, did you already move there?
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